Plaid Instant Verification

To add a funding source to a customer using Plaid, you will need to follow the steps below:

  • Create Customer
  • Retreive user_id from the webook response or from the "Create Customer" endpoint response
  • Generate Plaid link you can embed this in a button or share with customer via text / email
  • Listen for Funding Source webhooks
  • Start creating direct debits / credits / subscriptions

Retrieve the user_id to create a unique Plaid link to share with your customer.

Using this link your customer will be able to add and instantly verify their bank account using the online banking username / password.

seсret key: pk_live_##########################,
user id: ########-####-####-####-############,
successUrl: url for redirect if success,
cancelUrl: url for redirect if cancel,
link url -{seсret key}/{user id}?successUrl={successUrl}&cancelUrl={cancelUrl}

Plaid link sample for Paynote production environment:

Plaid link sample for Paynote sandbox environment: