3rd-Party Verified Bank Account

"Add 3rd-Party Verified Bank via Routing & Account Number" endpoint enables merchants to manually add a bank account to a customer profile. The customer will then need to verify the bank account by confirming micro-deposits. Once verified, this feature authorizes the bank account, enabling merchants to process "On Demand Payments".

To add a funding source to a customer using a an already verified routing and account number, you will need to follow the steps below:

  • Create a Customer
  • Add Funding Source using the verified routing and account number passed from your verification service. This funding source will automatically by verified and authorized for direct debits / credits.
  • Start creating direct debits / credits / subscriptions


Before using any endpoint, you need to set the environment:

Click on Environment in the Base URL and enter the appropriate option:
api (Production) for the live environment.
sandbox (Sandbox) for testing.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!