Getting Started

Explore our guides and examples to integrate Paynote.

The Paynote API provides versatile payment solutions tailored to your business needs. Here's how you can utilize our features:

Merchant Goals

Add a Paynote Checkout Button:

  • Seamlessly integrate a Plaid ACH checkout experience using our checkout.js, configure requests, create direct debits, subscriptions, and more.
  • Create Customers + Bank Accounts for ACH Debits & Credits: Easily onboard new customers and securely store their bank details for direct debits and credits. If you're not using checkout.js, you'll need to:
  1. Create a customer
  2. Add a funding source through one of the following methods:
  1. Bill your customers' bank accounts using direct ACH debits and credits.
  • Capture Authorization Only and Debit Later: Authorize bank details for future ACH direct transactions without immediate payment. You can do this via:
  1. Checkout.js: Set SaveBankDetails to 'true' to authorize the user's bank details without creating a transaction. This step verifies the bank account and creates a customer profile.
  2. API: Create a customer and add a verified funding source.
  • Enable Recurring Payments/Subscriptions: Set up automatic payments for ongoing services or subscriptions. This includes:
  1. Recurring Invoices: Automatically generate invoices on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  2. On-Demand Subscriptions: Easily create and manage automated subscription plans for your customers.
  3. Send Refunds: Easily issue refunds and credit your customers using our "send refund" endpoint.


We have also created detailed integration guides for Industry specific use cases such as gaming, telemedicine, insurance and more. You can find those here

Webhook Events

Stay informed by subscribing to our webhook events for real-time updates on transactions and customer actions.


Before using any endpoint, you need to set the environment:

Click on Environment and enter the appropriate option:
API (Production) for the live environment.
Sandbox (Sandbox) for testing.