Configuration Options

This is a complete list of Checkout.js configuration options.

Checkout Details

checkout: { ... }

JavaScript keysDescriptionDefault
totalValue REQUIREDThe payment value displayed in the payment lightbox.0
currency REQUIREDThe payment currency displayed in the payment lightbox.USD
description REQUIREDDescription for checkoutn/a
items REQUIREDPayment items details:

[ {title: '45 Units', price: 100}, {title: '...', price: ... }, ]
recurringRecurring Options:

billing_cycle: 'month', recurring: true, num_of_payments: 3, start_cycle: new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]

Possible values for billing_cycle

'day' = Daily
'week' = Weekly
'bi-weekly' = Bi-weekly
'month' = Monthly

Installments # num_of_payments - Total number of recurring payments for this subscription.
Set num_of_payments: null to schedule payments in perpetuity.

Boolean value for recurring.

The billing start_cycle is a date from which the billing cycle begins. It marks the starting point for calculating charges or fees associated with the product or service. Fortamt start_cycle (YYYY-MM-DD).
billing_cycle: null, recurring: false, num_of_payments: null, start_cycle: null
customerEmail REQUIREDThe email of the customer.
The First Name of the customer.
The First Name of the customer.
companyNameThe Name of the company
phone_numberThe Phone Number of the company. This field must contain only numeric input, no other symbols are allowed

Style Details

style: { ... }

Customize the button

  • By default, your 'Pay' button uses the same branding and call to action as configured in the script below.

However, you can:

  • Set brand colors, shapes, and fonts to match your website
  • Customize your button’s call to action
Button ColorsHex Code
Blue# 1D30DD
Green# 00b660
widgetContainerSelector: 'wrapper-pay-buttons',
          style: {
            buttonClass: 'btn green-btn btn-block no-overflow',
            buttonColor: '#00b660',
            buttonLabelColor: '#ffffff',
            buttonLabel: 'Pay with US Bank Account'
          lightBox: {
            title: 'Title Pay',
            subtitle: 'Sub Title Pay',
            logoUrl: "",
            formButtonLabel: 'PAY',
            show_cart_summary: false

JavaScript keysDescriptionDefault
buttonColorHEX value of your chosen button color.# 00b660
buttonLabelColorHEX value of your chosen button text color.# ffffff
buttonLabelString value that sets the text inside the widget button.Pay Now
buttonClassThe .class of the element acting as the parent for the widget button.Bootstrap class btn btn-block btn-primary

LightBox Details (Cart Summary)

lightBox: { ... }

JavaScript keysDescriptionDefault
titleThe title of your payment form.
subtitleThe subtitle of your payment form.
logoUrlThe URL of your logo beginning with https.
formButtonLabelString value that sets the text inside the lightbox form's submit button.
show_cart_summaryWhen making a payment via Checkout.js, the 'cart summary' box does not appear by default (i.e., 'false' is the default selection). This parameter is configurable, and you can enable the 'cart summary' to appear by setting its value to 'true.'false
redirectUrlURL for success action.
Please insert your redirect URL here. In case of a successful transaction the check info will be sent there. Below you can see the parameters of the check data. check_id number description status paymentToken amount
cancelUrlURL for cancel action